Obama’s Re-election Sets Record Support for Latino Voters
Article originally published at The Nation In his 1996 re-election President Bill Clinton attained 72 percent of the Latino vote, the highest level of Latino support of any presidential...
View ArticleLatino voters strongly support protecting the environment and politicians...
In the wake of the 2012 presidential election, the Latino vote in states like Colorado has been held up as a critical and influential factor. Latino voters turned out in record high numbers and their...
View ArticleLatino voters and the fiscal cliff: tax increases on wealthy must be included
The 2012 presidential election was barely over when Republicans correctly surmised that their outreach to Latino voters was anemic and they better change course. The focus to date has been entirely on...
View ArticleThe Rich Context of the 2012 Plebiscite on Puerto Rico’s Political Status
On November 6, 2012, the residents of Puerto Rico went to the polls to vote on both island-wide general elections and a local plebiscite on the territorial status of Puerto Rico. This election has...
View ArticlePuerto Rico, A Latino 51′st State of the Union?
As plebiscitary debates in Scotland and Cataluña continue to grow, the debates over the outcome of the 2012 Puerto Rican plebiscite appear to be waning with the change of government in the island....
View ArticleThe Untapped Potential of the Latino Electorate
The 2012 election was a watershed moment for the Latino electorate in many respects. In giving President Obama a record level of support (75%), Latinos were decisive to the outcome; an unprecedented...
View ArticleWhat the GOP Can Learn from Nevada Republicans
As the GOP continues to struggle with its “Latino problem,” Republicans might look to Nevada for a constructive example of how some of their co-partisans are responding to the country’s changing...
View ArticleAnti-Immigrant Politics and Lessons for the GOP from California
According to polling data from the Field Poll, after winning the presidential election in 1980, California native Ronald Reagan raised his share of the Latino vote from 35 percent to 45 percent in 1984...
View ArticleThe Prop 187 Effect: How the California GOP lost their way and implications...
According to polling data from the California Field Poll, after winning the presidential election in 1980, former California Governor Ronald Reagan raised his share of the Latino vote from 35% to 45%...
View ArticleNarrow Margin in Virginia Signals Asian and Latino Influence, Virginia DREAM...
Latino Decisions election eve polling shows 66% of Hispanics and 63% of Asian Americans voted for Governor-Elect Terry McAuliffe. More specifically, an estimated 95,500 Hispanic and 51,000...
View ArticleNew poll: Latino vote will be critical factor in San Diego mayoral election
A new poll released today by Latino Decisions and the Latino Victory Project challenges previous polls in the San Diego mayoral and shows David Alvarez with a commanding lead over Kevin Faulconer among...
View ArticlePresident Obama’s SOTU Proposals on Climate Change Resonate With Latinos
On Tuesday night, President Obama delivered the annual State of the Union Address. When covering Latino reactions, the media is likely to focus on the President’s statements on immigration. However,...
View ArticleHard data from primary proves the San Diego UT/Survey USA Poll is flawed
The best way to assess how accurate current polls in the San Diego mayoral race are is to look at their past performance and compare to actual election outcomes. This is the same technique that 538...
View ArticleLatino Principles of Immigration Reform
Since the record defeat that Republicans suffered among Latino voters in 2012, prominent GOP voices have lined up to encourage their party to do a better job reaching out to Hispanics. John McCain, Jeb...
View ArticleThe Latino Gender Gap in U.S. Politics
Women and Latinos in the U.S. are both attracting a lot of political attention, especially after their impressive electoral impact in the last few elections. We hear about the potential “Women’s vote”...
View ArticleImmigration Legislation or Executive Action Will Shape Latino Vote
Last summer, in the wake of the US Senate’s passage of S. 744, the “Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act,” Latino Decisions, in concert with America’s Voice,...
View ArticleThe 2014 House Elections and Comprehensive Immigration Reform Revisited
From the perspective of most Latino voters, the actions of the House Republicans have made a bad situation worse. House Republicans will bear the blunt of the blame if comprehensive immigration reform...
View ArticleWhy Eric Cantor really lost and what it means for GOP outreach to Latinos
Within minutes of Eric Cantor’s primary loss dozens of knee-jerk reactions in the national media called the upset bad news for immigration reform. Let’s be clear – Eric Cantor was never a friend of...
View ArticleDemocrats Missing Opportunities in Top Tier Latino Influence House Districts
Recent polling conducted by Latino Decisions continues to find that comprehensive immigration reform is an animating issue for Latino voters and if immigration reform does not happen this year, most...
View ArticleLatino Voters in Colorado: Electoral Influence and Immigration Politics
Home to one of the fastest growing Latino electorates in the country, Colorado is set to steal the national spotlight in House, Senate and Gubernatorial races this November with immigration playing a...
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